Wednesday, September 2, 2020

My College Experience Essay -- essays research papers

My College Experience All through my lifetime I have tuned in to individuals ponder back their school encounters and clarify how school should be â€Å"the best understanding of your life.† The late spring after my senior year I use to attempt to envision what my first semester would have been similar to dependent on what I had heard individuals talk about before. After my first semester at NC State I understood that I couldn’t completely comprehend what school resembled until I encountered it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was unpleasant and truly tried my quality (mental and physical). I confronted difficulties and impediments that I had never caught wind of in those past school experience discussions. Out of nowhere there was nobody to get me out of the bed when I hit the nap button on my caution cl... My College Experience Essay - papers research papers My College Experience All through my lifetime I have tuned in to individuals think about back their school encounters and clarify how school should be â€Å"the best understanding of your life.† The late spring after my senior year I use to attempt to envision what my first semester would have been similar to dependent on what I had heard individuals talk about before. After my first semester at NC State I understood that I couldn’t completely comprehend what school resembled until I encountered it for myself. My first couple of weeks at Ohio State was unpleasant and truly tried my quality (mental and physical). I confronted difficulties and deterrents that I had never found out about in those past school experience discussions. Out of nowhere there was nobody to get me out of the bed when I hit the nap button on my alert cl...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Types Of Computer Viruses Essays - Computer Viruses, Free Essays

Kinds Of Computer Viruses Essays - Computer Viruses, Free Essays Kinds Of Computer Viruses A PC infection is a program that is intended to harm your PC, projects, and documents. Like an infection in a living thing, a PC infection can spread on the off chance that it isn't expelled. Some infections are more risky than others. One of the most widely recognized spots for a PC infection to show up is on a record found on the Internet or appended to an E-mail. For instance, you may have an infection that just pops a message box on your screen, and afterward the infection is impaired, or you can have an infection that erases half of your hard drive. PC infections didnt truly exist until the mid 1980s. The main PC infections were made in college labs to show the amount of a danger the horrendous code could be. There are numerous sort of infections that exist today. The absolute generally regular of Computer Viruses are: File Viruses, Boot Sector/Partition Viruses, Multi-Partite Viruses, Trojan Horses, File Overwriters, Polymorphic infections, and Stealth Viruses. A File Virus is the most widely recognized sort of infection. These sorts of infections generally contaminate .EXE and .COM documents, which are the primary part of a program or application. A record infection can embed its own code into part of the document, so when the contaminated program document is run, the infection is executed first. Most record infections are memory occupant. Along these lines, they can without much of a stretch join themselves to different projects that are being run and begin to contaminate that document. A basic infection will overwrite and wreck a host document, promptly telling the client that there is an issue in light of the fact that the product won't run. Since these infections are promptly detected by the PC, they have a less opportunity to spread. Progressively unpredictable composed infections will cause more harm, spread simpler, and are harder to be recognized. Boot part infections taint hard drives and floppy circles by putting itself on the boot segment of the plate, which has the code that is run at boot up. Booting up from a tainted floppy, permits the infection to bounce from the floppy to the hard drive. These infections are stacked first, and deal with the framework before MS-DOS could be stacked. Since the infection is run before the working framework, it isn't MS-DOS-explicit and can taint any PC working framework. These infections remain in the RAM and contaminates each circle that is perused by the PC until the PC is rebooted. After reboot the infection is expelled from memory. Multi-Partite Viruses are the more awful of both record and boot segment infections. They can contaminate the host programming segments. These infections spread like a record infection, yet embed itself into a boot division or segment table. Along these lines, they are hard to evacuate. A case of this kind of infection is the Tequila infection. Trojan Horses are the most exceedingly awful sort of infections that exist. They contain malignant code that is intended to harm your PC. Not at all like different infections, this infection doesn't repeat itself. This infection holds up until the trigger occasion. At the point when the trigger occasion happens, a message is shown or records are harmed. Due to the idea of these infections, there are a few analysts that don't group Trojan Horses as infections. Document Overwriters are infections that interface themselves to a program, leaving the first code unblemished and adding themselves again and again to whatever number records as would be prudent. These infections are made essentially to continue replicating itself. While, this infection is replicating itself it is occupying more circle room and hindering execution. Since these infections frequently have imperfections in them, they can coincidentally harm or demolish information. The most exceedingly terrible sort of document overwriters, hold up until the trigger occasion, at that point begin to demolish records. The majority of the infections that exist today are Polymorphic. As of late a Mutation Engine was discharged. This product guarantees that polymorphic infections will just multiply throughout the following scarcely any years. Like the human AIDS infection, polymorphic infections develops quick to get away from location by against infection programs. Uncommon scrambled code inside this infection permits the infection to escape recognition. There are a set number of sorts of polymorphic infections. Along these lines, they are simpler to take note. A model

Friday, August 21, 2020

English Essay Creative Writing – Bullying

English Writing Dear Diary I am remaining solitary in a lake. The water is still, and there is nobody with me †nothing containing any life†¦ but then I despite everything feel like something is watching me. I can’t hear anything or transparent the thick cover of mist that conveys a demeanor of despairing over the bog. I am remaining solitary in a lake. Until I open my eyes. Quietness leaves me and I am moved to a spot where there is no adequation; where chain of importance dominates and all creatures submit to it. On the off chance that you enter this spot and you start the excursion inadequately, you will never be acknowledged into this intricate network they call school.Date I wheezed for air between wails. Tears from my wide, saturated eyes gushed unchecked down my pale cheeks. The tears tasted salty to my lips, with an importance tint of sharpness in them: harshness that I felt and charge to the others for placing me in such a base and desolate condition as I was in that day; or consistently, so far as that is concerned. Tears blinded my eyes as a revived flood of hopelessness cleared me. A suppressed moan of misery emerged in my throat, and my head throbbed with torment. Yet, I kept quiet, since I had figured out how to do so now.The way I have figured out how to acclimate to my environmental factors in this outsider, antagonistic school, and had figured out how to acknowledge innumerable sneers and cruel prodding from the individuals around me. I sat gazing profoundly at the engraved spray painting, each letter giving a furious picture. â€Å"Must die†. They had cautioned it would have been terrible, in spite of the fact that I never anticipated this. I never was a tough individual. In the event that solitary I had the boldness to stand up and stop this. Date My soul broke with the first light. I made me fully aware of another day brimming with potential †regardless, the destruction of yesterday was despite everything held up inside: the idea of confronting one more day was loathsome to me.I longed for the day when I could jump out into the world with a radiating grin spread wide over my sparkling face, arranged for what openings the day would offer. Deplorably, there would be no such vitality for me today, or some other day so far as that is concerned. This day, similarly as some other, I tore myself away from the main spot on earth I could have a sense of security, to walk to the frequent of my tormentors. I knew without a solitary uncertainty that there was not by any means a similarity to the most miniscule of grins all over however that I did, indeed, bear the disheartened articulation of a detainee as he saunters towards the gallows.Scuttling guiltlessly through the curving halls I bore a similar articulation; head down, shoulders slouched, dodging any eye to eye connection †my urgent endeavors to dissuade the tyrant for one day at any rate. In spite of my endeavors, there was never be a way o ut, as apparently inside the second of having that innocently hopeful idea, an unfeeling, insensitive voice requested I give up my introduce. Dread spiked, as it generally did, yet with it came something different, an outsider feeling †¦ Looking back now, I see that it more likely than not been the total impact of long stretches of torment that carried me to the acknowledgment that now I had arrived at the nadir of my life.Deriding clucks pierced my ears and this time I perceived the feeling, anger. It consumed my veins, alongside the recollections of the past to shape a sentiment of overpowering force. I met the blades that would for the most part summon fear, and smoothly, I said â€Å"No. † Date With my newly discovered feeling of worth †the craving to get a payback for being so oppressed was mysteriously enticing. In spite of the fact that some state that by excusing we become upright, was it not Shakespeare himself who stated, â€Å"If you wrong us, will we no t retribution? †

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tips on How to Write an Essay

Tips on How to Write an EssayMedical college essay samples are available online for various students as they try to write their final essay and add to their academic and personal experiences. Online medical schools have made it possible for students to use these as an avenue to show their accomplishments and personalities.These are not just mere essays but rather provide the students with a number of different options, techniques and ways in which they can learn and apply. When writing this essay, the student should understand the importance of choosing the best and most appropriate essay writing service provider for them. There are numerous companies offering essay writing services from where students can select from.The top service providers include CoreLogic, Kaplan, The Princeton Review, College Guide, The College Board, Raven, Harvard Review, Columbia Univeristy, and other top-rated authors from the field of education. All of these essay samples and the various resources that ar e available on the internet can help make the writing process more effective and faster for students. For students who want to get the best of their skills, online medical schools provide more detailed lessons and more essay tips.Various online writers and essay writers have their own specialized sets of writing services. To gain experience, students should first study and analyze different essay samples and then choose the best one for them.By doing this, students will be able to find out their own strengths and weaknesses and increase their ability to focus and utilize their talents. They will be able to review their past achievements to show how the course has improved them and developed their writing skills. After writing these samples, they will also be able to practice and master their essays which can be followed by their future essays.Writing the essay is not all that hard. The best kind of essay sample is one which includes a practice essay which the student can follow clos ely to learn how they can proceed with their own essay. For students who want to save some money on their college tuition, they should try to look for online colleges that offer free service through their web sites. This is the ideal time to test their writing skills.Medical college essay samples are good at giving students an idea of how to write an essay and what they need to write. Students should remember that these are templates that can be used for future projects. So, if they do not find the ones that work best for them, they can always use their existing templates to improve their writing skills.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The United States Vs. Nixon Case - 1428 Words

I have learned many interesting and informative topics in this course but the three topics that I found the most compelling are the United States vs. Nixon case, the Necessary and Proper Clause, and Social Security. The United States vs. Nixon case fascinated me because it involved one of our former presidents. In 1972, President Richard Nixon was running for a reelection against Senator George McGovern, a Democrat. During this campaign, the Watergate scandal began. This scandal brought down President Nixon and revealed many of his secrets during his administration. Five burglars broke into the Democratic Headquarters located in the Watergate building complex in Washington, D.C. This is where the democratic national committee was located along with their offices which contained democratic papers, private information associated with Senator George McGovern, the vice president nominees, and there were also many other confidential files. These burglars got caught and were arrested. The burglars were recognized by few people and they turned out to be associated with the White House. Many folks thought they worked for the White House or were paid to break into the Democratic Headquarters. Americans were starting to suspect President Nixon. President Nixon disregarded this and told the American people that he had nothing to do with this. Eventually Congress started to investigate the President. During the case hearing, someone revealed that President Nixon has tapes ofShow MoreRelatedSeparation Of Powers : A Principle Of The U.s. Government1528 Words   |  7 PagesJudicial branch they have the power to try federal cases and interpret the laws. As I continue in my paper I will discuss the different concepts that occur in the different branches, what each branch is responsible in doing as well as discuss different cases that follow into the different branches. During an early period the Judicial was the weakest branch of the three until John Marshall established the principle of judicial review in Marbury vs. Madison by declaring an act of Congress unconstitutionalRead MoreThe History And Effect Of Media On Presidential Debates1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe History and Effect of Media on Presidential Debates Throughout American history, it is clear to point out the United States have elected presidents to stand as the countries’ leader since the birth of the young nation. In most cases, the election is seen as a race between two parties even though there are others on the ballot. The vast majority usually did not know much about the other candidates until the turn of the century. Then, when media and information became easier to access it turnedRead MoreTo What Extent Has the Roberts Court Witnessed a Revival of Conservative Activism?817 Words   |  4 Pagesbe judicially active. With a liberal and activist majority on the court the Warren Court expanded  civil rights,  civil liberties,  judicial power, and the  federal power  in dramatic ways. Warren Court Cases | 1954 Brown vs the Board | Based on 14th Amendment- ended segregation and overturned Plessey vs Fergusson | Baker v. Carr  and  Reynolds v. Sims 1962-4 | Based on the 14th Amendment- asserted the right of all votes to be of equal value- and lead to reapportionment across the USA. | Gideon vRead MoreWatergate Scandal Of United States Vs. Nixon1506 Words   |  7 PagesIn the landmark court case of United States vs. Nixon the court had denied Nixon’s presidential power of executive privilege to halt the subpoena against him. The court concluded that his exercised power was not absolute and the need for evidence outweighed the presidential privilege as it was infringing on a criminal case. This case against Nixon was a result of one of the worst presidential scandals in U.S. history. The scandal was the Watergate scandal. The presidential scandal known as WatergateRead MoreNixon Vs. President Richard M. Nixon1304 Words   |  6 PagesTrace Haven Mrs. Molzahn American Literature May 17, 2017 Nixon vs. People   Ã‚  Ã‚   President Richard M. Nixon once said, â€Å" I can see clearly now†¦ that I was wrong in not acting more decisively and more forthrightly in dealing with Watergate† (Watergate Quotes). The Watergate scandal began when five men attempted to break into the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Complex. The government had to create an act in order to have the right to view all surveillance footageRead MoreAn man from India deeply influenced a black man in America who persuaded black Americans to900 Words   |  4 Pagesknown as the Montgomery Bus Boycott. This boycott was pivotal in the Civil Right Movement by energizing blacks, particularly in the South, to become more involved in politics. This occurred with the help of Claudette Colvin, Rosa Parks, President Nixon, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and especially with the influence of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. From King’s studies of n onviolence, he guided blacks peacefully through the boycott and taught the boycotters thatRead MoreThe Montgomery Bus Boycott Part 11033 Words   |  5 PagesPresident Nixon, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and especially with the influence of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. From King’s studies of nonviolence, he guided blacks peacefully through the boycott and taught the boycotters that violence is not the way. King and Gandhi There were several factors that caused the Montgomery Bus Boycott. In the 1950’s, black people were protesting for their civil rights, because of the â€Å"Plessy vs. Ferguson†Read MoreEssay about HIST 1302 FINAL EXAM REVIEW1343 Words   |  6 Pagesas _____________ is to Eisenhower. Brinkmanship 9. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that a state law school have to admit qualified African American applicants even if parallel black law schools existed? Sweat vs. Painter 10. Which Supreme Court decision ruled that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional? Brown vs. Board of Education 11. Where was the â€Å"March for Freedom† in which state troopers and deputized citizens brutally attacked marchers in full view of television that helpedRead MoreThe Government Is A Democracy1374 Words   |  6 Pagesbecause if they do not raise enough money someone else will. We cannot sit idly by. If we do we are letting those with power know we do not care and that we have become automatons. In order to make the government dependent on the people again Citizens vs. United must be repealed, the mainstream media must be changed to report facts instead of operating like a business, and people must be more engaged in governance. It is incredibly easy for those with money to purchase political power. â€Å"It s perfectlyRead MoreWikileaks : Innocent Or Guilty?987 Words   |  4 Pageshow to the past and how this has all happened before in 1971 with the Pentagon Papers. It was Nixon vs. The New York Times. It was Nixon vs. Journalism. It’s shocking to think that basically what is happening right now has already happened, stolen government papers or information being leaked to the public via a commonly known media, but we know the ending to the Pentagon Papers . Journalism won and Nixon lost (Goodale). Now the real question is history going to repeat itself or is there a different

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Laws Affect My Life - 1651 Words

Laws Affect My Life If someone were to ask me, What has the government done for you today? I would most likely say nothing, but as I researched I have looked back on my past and my present. I have realized realized that through the years I have really noticed that laws do hold a foundation on my everyday life as well as others. Laws are principles and regulations that are established under the authority of the state and/or the nation. They help to form the foundation for a country that protects and provides for its citizens. Breathing. Its an instinctive, necessary reflex that people do to live. We need oxygen in order to maintain homeostasis through the process of cellular respiration. It s a set of the metabolic reactions and†¦show more content†¦Through the Federal Communications Commission, all stations are to be licensed and maintain a file that documents what the station has done to operate in the public interest. There are also radio regulations that help to make this possible. The Radio Regulations is an intergovernmental treaty. It conforms and coordinates the activity of the telecommunication networks. It keeps different frequences from different radio services from mixing together. Transmitters are to be observed by radio stations, and procedures are done to ensure technical compatibility. It basically helps to better the development of communications technology. These regulations are accomplished through the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). When I drive, I m usually headed to Webster University, to expand on my educational knowledge. Now, there are no laws that say I have to go to college, but there are laws that have made my college experience different yet I think better than lets say the 60 s.The first and fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, I think, are very important aspects of are education system. The first amendment guarantees me the right to freedom of assembly, press, religion and speech. It allows me to speak o peningly about whatever I believe in. This is very important especially in college, because it s a time where you are really trying to find yourself, and opening yourself up to new ideas.The fourteenth amendment concerns due processShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Wilkinson s Law Of The Learner956 Words   |  4 Pages1. Briefly describe Wilkinson’s law of the learner, then explain in more detail how this law affects the way you prepare and present your Bible lesson. The law of the learner states that as a teacher, we accept the responsibility of causing our students to learn. We should give all that we can to ensure that our students understand the content being taught, how to apply it and why it is being taught. Because I am responsible as the teacher, it is important that I pray and seek God’s guidance beforeRead MoreHow Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect My Life Essay994 Words   |  4 PagesHow Critical Thinking and Ethics Affect my Life? Heather H. Hubbard Bryant amp; Stratton College Philosophy 250 Mr. Christopher Schwab October 19, 2011 How Critical thinking and Ethics Affect my Life. For this paper I was asked how critical thinking and ethics will affect my career as both a student and a professional, in order to answer that question I must first answer the question of what is critical thinking and ethics. One thing that is certain about success in any and all aspectsRead MorePublic Administration Reflection1015 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout my daily life, I never took the time to realize how important and how often public administration affects how people, including myself, function in society. Public administration plays a role in every aspect of life; which includes walking to your mailbox to retrieve mail for the day, driving to work every morning in slow traffic due to construction being done, or even simply receiving an education. That all includes interacting with street level bureaucrats, and they are essential toRead MoreEffects of Shoplifting in the Society Essay967 Words   |  4 Pagesproduct for free and doesnt know what hes really doing to himse lf and the community. Shoplifting affects yourself, your local neighborhood and the world population. In this essay Im going to explain some of the circumstances of stealing from local stores, or any store. After I was caught stealing, I realized how much impact something you do now will affect you for the rest of your life. I now know how much of a disadvantage it is to everyone. Shoplifting is when someone steals items for sale inRead MorePrivilege : Privilege And Privilege1297 Words   |  6 Pageswent through the privilege activity, I realized many simple aspects of life are enormous privileges to others. Examples of privilege include getting an education, having the ability to visualize and vocalize, and the ability to travel or expand your experiences. In a society compiled with privileges, the wealthy are favored and privilege emerges inversely in many social classes. We often forget the fact that simple aspects of life, such as being able-bodied or having the ability to see the world aroundRead MoreSocial Forces Of The Holocaust1534 Words   |  7 Pages There are many social forces that affect any society. However, there may be more prominent social forces in a society, or country that has experienced a traumatic event that effected their entire country or society. Germany is a major example of a country that went through an incredibly traumatic eve nt. The Holocaust is the traumatic event that hit Germany beginning in the 1930’s. The Holocaust was a period in time from 1933 to 1945, in which Jews experienced discrimination. Out of nine millionRead MoreEssay I Will Use My God Given Talents in the Practice of Law935 Words   |  4 PagesI Will Use My God Given Talents in the Practice of law Given an understanding of the scarcity and importance of time and the fleeting nature of existence, time commitment decisions are among the most important choices that an individual has to make. I believe that time is a gift from God and it is up to individuals to make wise decisions regarding how they will invest the time that God has granted them. My perception of time dictates, to a degree, how I chose to use it. I believe that timeRead MoreA. Urie Bronfenbrenner’S Ecological Systems Theory Looks1091 Words   |  5 Pagesneighborhood play area where the child has direct interaction. To truly understand child development at the microsystem level, Bronfenbrenner points out that all relationships are bidirectional. Bidirectional means that adults affect children’s’ behavior and children also affect adults’ behavior because of their attributes that have been influenced biologically and socially. The mesosystemRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal Or Not?1558 Words   |  7 Pagessuch as life choices, dress, and education. Religion is a n important entity in the lives of many. Religious freedom includes the right to assemble for private and public worship, determine the conditions of membership, give religious instructions, preach its message publically, and publish and circulate religious material. This representation by the government shows that they want the citizens to be able to express their beliefs freely. Though the question is should laws be made that affect people’sRead MoreCareer Paths That I Have Interest Essay1145 Words   |  5 Pages The first is what is referred to as a Postsecondary teacher. A Postsecondary teacher is a teacher that is able to focus on a specific vocational subject, i.e. law Enforcement (Police Academy). This is an important factor in some types of careers, because no college course will give a person enough knowledge and understanding on how to be a successfully functioning Police Officer. The role of the Postsecondary Teacher in this career path is highly required fo r the success of the student, as there

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Diploma of Leadership Management

Question: Explain about the action plan templates. Answer: Action Plan Templates Action/ Activity Timeframe Person / Responsible Description of strategy/ tactic/ rationale for action Resource, if required HR meeting with manager (Rental) 1;30 pm to 2 pm 22/05/2016 HR Business Partner (You) presentation with clear communication, face to face meeting and personal interaction NA meeting with employee from rental section 9am to 11am 23/5/2016 manager rental section Meeting and interrelating with employees NA Keep monitoring on the employees performance (weekly once) (Rental) 3pm to 5 pm 24/05/2016 Manager rental section By keep monitoring on the performance of the individuals in the workplace the organisation can assess their performance and it can be benefited for the effective growth and expansion of the organisation. By the help of key performance indicator form the individual can assess their performance annually within the organisation. NA Aware employee about the legal, safety, data protection and other policies within the organisation (Rental) 9am to 12pm 25/05/2016 Human Business Partner (You) By promoting more awareness about the different legal policies and rules within the organisation it mitigates problems and health issues for the individuals in the organisation (Schein 1985). By the help of proper data safety act the organisation can enhance their safety concern in the business growth and expansion in the market. NA Promote Rewards to the employee and the manager (Rental) NA Human Business Partner (You) To praise the performance of the individual the management needs to praise and provide effective rewards management schemes to the individuals for their future growth and development (Marquis and Huston 2009). NA References Marquis, Bessie L and Carol Jorgensen Huston. 2009. Leadership Roles And Management Functions In Nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Peters, Thomas J and Nancy Austin. 1985. A Passion For Excellence. New York: Random House. Schein, Edgar H. 1985. Organizational Culture And Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Introduction to Financial Management free essay sample

MGT201 (Financial Management) MGT201 Lecture No. 01 Introduction to Financial Management Learning objectives: The purpose of this lecture is to provide you with an overview of financial management. After finishing this lecture, you would be able to have a better understanding of the following. Definition of financial management Significance of financial management for non-finance students and professionals Important concepts and areas in financial management The position of financial managers in organizational hierarchy and their respective work domains. Different business legal entities, their advantages and limitations. The external and internal business environments and their relevance to financial management. Different types of financial and real assets markets. What is FM? FM is the management of financial resources – how to best find and use investments and financing opportunities in an ever-changing and increasingly complex environment. Why should CS majors study FM? First of all, financial management is a core life skill; almost every one needs to understand some concepts of finance to manage his/her business personal finances. We will write a custom essay sample on Introduction to Financial Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is generally and quite rightfully said, â€Å"Money makes the world go round†. Finance is like a life-blood for a company. Even the best of the companies and CEOs go out of the business because of poor financial management policies. Management Information Systems (MIS) and Information Technology (IT) are just a part of the overall corporate strategy which runs on finances, the major resource. So the computer sciences professionals need to have an understanding of the financial concepts to understand and contribute to the overall corporate strategy. Financial Engineering is an upcoming field that requires people with CS, math/science, and finance background. Financial engineering is the application of engineering methods to finance. One important area of study is the design, analysis, and construction of financial contracts to meet the needs of enterprises. This field is experiencing an increased demand for professionals, especially those who are trained in both the underlying mathematics/computer technologies and finance. Page 1  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) Definitions Finance: Finance is the science of managing financial resources in an optimal pattern i. e. the best use of available financial sources. Finance consists of three interrelated areas: 1) Money Capital markets, which deals with securities markets financial institutions. 2) Investments, which focuses on the decisions of both individual and institutional investors as they choose assets for their investment portfolios. 3) Financial Management, or business finance which involves the actual management of firms. Major Areas Concepts of Financial Management Following are some of the important areas and concepts of financial management, which would be discussed in detail in the lectures to come. Analysis of Financial Statements: Analysis of financial statement is one of the most common techniques of financial analysis, in which the financial performance and financial health of a company are analyzed based on its past performance. The following financial statements are used in the analysis process. †¢ Profit Loss Statement or Income Statement Income statement reflects the operating efficiency or profitability of a company as a result of its operations along with the net profit available to the shareholders for a given year (usually one accounting period). This statement provides the analyst with some insight into the financial performance of the company. Balance Sheet Balance Sheet is a snap-shot of an organization’s financial health at a particular time. It shows what assets are owned by the business and the sources of acquiring these assets. Statement of Shareholders’ equity Statement of shareholders’ equity provides the share of the owners in the business. Statement of Cash Flows Statement of cash flows explicitly reflects the cash movement (inflows and outflows) during the operations in an accounting period. o o o Taken together, these statements give an accounting picture of the firm’s operations and financial position. Financial statements report what has actually happened to the assets, earnings, and dividends over the years. The analysis of the information contained in these statements help management of the organization to Page 2  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) evaluate the performance and activities of the concern; it also helps the investors and creditors to have an idea of the profitability potential and creditworthiness of the business. Investment Decisions Capital Budgeting: Investment decisions are the most critical as they usually involve huge sums of money and these decisions are likely to bring prosperity or doom to a business. A company’s future income depends on how much investment is made, in what type of assets, and how these assets add to the overall value of the company. Capital budgeting is a term strictly related to investment in fixed assets; here, the term capital refers to the fixed assets that are used in production, while budget is a plan which details projected cash inflows and outflows over some future period. The following concepts and techniques are employed while analyzing investment decisions. o Interest rate formulas o Time Value of Money o Discounted Cash Flows o Net Present Value o Internal Rate of Return Risk Return: Investors, individual or institutional, invest their money with the expectations of earning a return on their investment. While investors wish and attempt to earn maximum return, they are constrained by risk. How the risks and returns are related and how do investors make a choice of their portfolios is important for investment decision making. Following concepts and theories would be discussed while discussing the risk-return choices of the investor: o o o o Uncertainty Risk Portfolio Theory Capital Asset Pricing Model Corporate Financing Capital Structure: When a firm plans to expand, it needs capital or funds. Acquisition of funds is considered to be a primary responsibility of a finance department in an organization. There are numerous ways to acquire funds, i. e. , finances can be raised in the form of debt or equity. The proportion of debt and equity constitutes the capital structure of the firm. Financial experts attempt to find a combination of debt and equity that could increase the overall value of the company, i. e. , they try to find the optimal capital structure. The following concepts would be used to understand how an optimal capital structure could be attained. Cost of Capital Leverage Dividend Policy Page 3  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan o o o MGT201 (Financial Management) o Debt Instruments Valuation: Asset or company valuation is important not only for financial managers, but also for creditors and investors. It is important to know the value of the company or its assets to make important financing and investment choices. Different valuation techniques and factors that influence the value of a company or its financial instruments would be discussed in this section. o o o o Share Bond Option Corporate Working Capital Inventory Management: Working capital and inventory management pertains to the effective management of current assets. As we will see, an optimal and effective utilization of working capital and inventory increases the operating efficiency of the firm. International Finance Foreign Exchange: With the increasing importance of international trade and global markets, the role of international finance has increased manifold. In a global environment, the finance managers have more choices pertaining to investing and financing than ever before. However, it is important to understand the implications of working in a global environment, since fluctuations in the currency rates can convert a good financing or investment decision into a bad one. This section of the course would discuss the international financial environment and the financial implications of working in a global environment. Organizational Structure (Who does the FM work? ) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Treasurer Controller Cash Investment Accounts Capital Budgeting Audit Capital Structure Inventory Page 4  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) Business Legal Entities †¢ Sole Proprietorship : It is an unincorporated business owned by one individual. Going into a business as a sole proprietor is simple – one merely has to begin business operations. Proprietorship consists of 80%of the total number of businesses worldwide. Advantages: i. ii. iii. It is easily inexpensively formed. It is subject to few government regulations. The business pays no corporate income tax; only personal income tax is paid by the proprietor. Limitations: i. ii. It is difficult for a proprietorship to obtain large sums of capital. The proprietor has unlimited personal liability for the business debts, which can result in losses hat exceed the money invested by him in the business. The life of the business organized as proprietorship is limited to the life of the individual who created it. iii. Partnership: A partnership exists whenever two or more persons associate to conduct a noncorporate business. It could be registered or unregistered. Advantages: i. ii. Limitations: i. ii. iii. iv. Unlimited Liability. Limited life of the organization. Difficulty of transferring ownership. Difficulty of raising large amounts of capital. Low cost involved Ease of formation. Corporation: A corporation is a limited company and a separate legal entity registered by the government. It is separate distinct from its owners managers. It Can be Private Limited Page 5  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) (Pvt. Ltd. ) or Public Limited (which may be listed on Stock Exchange). The businesses in the form of corporations control 80% of global sales of products and services. Advantages: i- Unlimited life: A corporation can continue even after the death of its original owners. ii- Easy transferability of ownership interest: Ownership interests can be divided into shares of stock, which in turn can be transferred far more easily than can proprietorship partnership interests. ii- Limited Liability: The liability of the shareholders is limited up to the extent of nominal value of shares held by them. Creditors and banks cannot confiscate personal properties of director shareholders in case of its bankruptcy. Limitations: Double Taxation: Corporate earnings may be subject to double taxation – the earnings of the corporation are taxed at corporate level, and then any earnings paid out as dividends are ta xed again as income to the stockholders. ii. Legal Formalities: Setting up a corporation, and filing many official documents, is more complex and time consuming than for a proprietor ship or a partnership Hybrids (Mixed): Hybrid organizations are specialized types of partnerships, which combine the limited liability advantage of a corporation with the tax advantages of a partnership. S-Type Corporation: S- Type corporations are Limited Liability Corporations without double taxation. In a regular corporation, the company itself is taxed on business profits. In addition, the owners pay individual income tax on money that they draw from the corporation as salaries, bonuses, or dividends. In contrast, in an S corporation, all business profits pass through to the owners, who report them on their personal tax returns (as in sole proprietorships, partnerships, and Limited Liability Companies). The S corporation itself does not pay any income tax, although a co-owned S corporation must file an informational tax return like a partnership or Limited Liability Companies – to tell the tax authorities what each shareholders portion of the corporate income is. i. Page 6  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) LLP: Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is also a form of partnership with allows limited liability to the owners and avoids double taxation. These organizations are similar in many ways to the S Corporations; however, LLPs offer more flexibility and benefits to the owners. PC: Personal Corporations ( PC) or Professional Corporations are generally formed by professionals to protect them against litigations. Professionals like doctors, lawyers and accountants prefer to register their business as Professional Corporations. Balance Sheet – An FM Perspective Page 7  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) Internal and External Business Environment Internal Business Environment: Internal environment of business normally consists of the following. i. Finance ii. Marketing iii. Human Resources iv. Operations (Production, Manufacturing) v. Technology vi. Other Functions (Logistics, Communications) External Business Environment: The following business environment factors outside an organization have a profound effect on the functions and operations of an organization. . ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Customers Suppliers Competitors Government/Legal Agencies Regulations Macro Economy/Markets: Technological Revolution Page 8  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) An analysis which is used in a business is called SWOT Analysis. SWOT is an acronym where S stands for Strengths W stands for Weaknesses O stands for Opportunities T stands for Threat s Strengths and weaknesses are within an organization, i. e. , they pertain to the internal environment of the organization. Opportunities and threats, on the other hand, pertain to the external environment, i. e. , outside the organization. Financial Markets †¢ Capital Markets: These are the markets for the long term debt corporate stocks. Stock Exchange: A stock exchange is a place where the listed shares, Term finance certificates (TFC) and national investment trust units (NIT) are exchanged and traded between buyers and sellers. Long term bonds: Long term government corporate bonds are also traded in capital markets. Money Markets Money market generally is a market where there is buying and selling of short term liquid debt instruments. (Short term means one year or less). Liquid means something which is easily encashable; an instrument that can be easily exchanged for cash. Following financial instruments are traded in money markets. Short term Bonds o Government of Pakistan: Federal Investment Bonds (FIB), Treasury-Bills (T-Bills) o Private Sector: Corporate Bonds, Debentures Call Money, Inter -bank short-term and overnight lending borrowing Loans, Leases, Insurance policies, Certificate of Deposits (CD’s) Badlah (money lending against shares), Road-side money lenders Page 9  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan MGT201 (Financial Management) †¢ Real Assets or Physical Asset Markets Following are the active markets of real and physical assets in Pakistan o o o Cotton Exchange, Gold Market, Kapra Market Property (land, house, apartment, warehouse) Computer hardware, Used Cars, Wheat, Sugar, Vegetables, etc. Page 10  © Copyright Virtual University of Pakistan

Friday, March 13, 2020

Drama Summary - Oedipus the King essays

Drama Summary - Oedipus the King essays Theres nothing more terrible a human when he is corrupted. Sophocles The story of Oedipus, one of the first examples of a tragic hero, is of a man plunged suddenly from prosperity and power to ruin and disrepute. We see him at the height and the depth of his worldly fortunes. Oedipus, whom in the first scene the Priest calls the first of men, to whom all knees are bent, is at the end of the play polluted, blind, banished from the land he ruled and loved and from the people who lovingly obeyed him. The city of Thebes(which is a real city yet people or events are totally mythical) is ruled by Oedipus, saver of the city, the one who answered the riddle of Sphinx, the monster which was threatening the city, faces a danger. His city is cursed with plague and pollution. People of Thebes once again come to Oedipus, ask him, beg him to save them once again. Oedipus answers them, says he does not know why are all those evil is because but hopes that they will know the reason for he has sent Creon, his wife Jocastas brother and his trusted friend, also the second most powerful man in Thebes, to the temple of Apollon to ask the god the reason of this evil. Right after Oedipus speaks his people Creon returns with the answer and demand of Apollon. He says Apollon said all the evil is because of an unsolved mystery, unpunished criminal and he wants the mystery of former kings, former husband of Oedipus wife, Laius death to be solved, the murder to be banished or shedding blood for blood. With the reason and solution of the curse Oedipus swears in front of his people that he will not rest till this mystery is solved, the murder is found and punished and he also curses the murder and those whoever helps him. He asks his people to say, if any one of them knows the murder or his whereabout to speak and promises those who speak that moment will not be punished. After his people...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Personal Statement Example And once I settled down with the campus life, I was more than eager to begin my education. However things did not turn out as I had expected as all my hopes that were built during the first few weeks did not last for long and I was left to think whether I really intended to continue my education in that place. After a lot of thinking, I then decided to transfer to a different college, though I was initially apprehensive about my parent’s response to my decision. After much debate and consultation, I have now finally decided to take the chance and apply for the university; one, which I believe, would provide me with good education and at the same time also aid in my personality growth and development into a better individual. College education changed my perception of education in many ways and also my objectives in life. The experience that I gained during my first semester at college was vastly different from that of school and it made me become more independent and pushed me to work harder with my studies. The confidence that I gained during this period helped me choose my major subjects and other courses, according to my liking and strength and also learnt the most important requirement of effective time management. I realized that there was more to education than what I had previously imagined.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

MGMT442 U3 DB Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGMT442 U3 DB - Research Paper Example A program’s measure of performance can be gauged through the response collection from the employees. It can also be gauged through the overall productivity comparison between two time sets before and current mode of operations. Any program that adds value and reduces the wastes and redundancy within the product or process amount to the effective performance undertaking and addition of quality to the overall product and package. In today’s competitive era, the employees expect professional response from the employers, training, equal opportunities and an environment that favors anyone with ability and hard work regardless of any affiliation or social standing. The other stakeholders of the organization expect in time delivery, keeping them on board, making the decisions in light of the mutual benefits and mutual considerations, and handling the operations in complete professional and timely manner make up for the stakeholders

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Citizens Advice Service Essay Example for Free

Citizens Advice Service Essay Private sector means that the government does not control the ownership of a business; instead, members of the public control it. Different types of firms make up the private sector. These include sole traders, partnerships, limited companies and Public Limited Companies. Private-sectors firms are usually aiming to make a profit. Sole Trader A sole trader firm is the smallest firm from the category of private sector firms, consisting of only one owner and that owner does business in their own name. That owner has the control of the firm, and with this control, they must finance, organise and develop the firm. A typical example of a sole trader is the local corner shop, selling the essential grocery items. Advantages One main advantage is that these firms require little capital. Another advantage is that there is an incentive to work hard. This is because the firm is owned by one person, meaning that the owner must do most of the work themselves, including promote and finance the business. Therefore, if the owner wants their firm to succeed, they must work hard. If there is only one owner and possibly couple of staff in the firm, there will be regular customers known. With this relationship, customers will return repeatedly to the firm, therefore producing more sales. As there is only one owner, business decisions can be made quickly as there will not be other people interfering. Business decisions are vital for the firm to proceed, so the quicker a decision can be made, the quicker the outcome. This advantages the owner as the outcome can benefit their company. Disadvantages One disadvantage is it can be difficult to raise and find capital meaning that it is hard to start the business and to expand. Another disadvantage is that the sole trader has unlimited liability for all debts and the owner may have to sell personal possessions to meets the debts of their business. Illness is a disadvantage to a sole trader. If the owner is sick, the business may be closed for a time and money is not made to pay expenses that the owner has. Another disadvantage is the long hours may be necessary for the business to succeed. If the owner is not willing and determined to work long hours, the business will not succeed and this may produce debts. With sole traders, the success of the business relies on the skills of the owner. If the owner has no experience of running a business or business skills, this may cause the business to fail. Partnership A partnership firm is one with 2-20 owners and these owners share the responsibly of running the firm together as the control is divided up equally between the partners. An example of a business of the partnership type is a firm of doctors. Advantages As there are a number of people, more capital can be raised as all the partners contribute to the business. Each partner has their own skills and between them, the partners have more skills, ideas and knowledge than a single person does. Partners with different skills can specialise in their own areas and this increases the ranges of service that customers are offered. In a partnership, any problems Passive Voice (consider revising). Another advantage is regular customers will be known and these customers will return repeatedly to the firm, therefore producing more sales that advantage the firm. Disadvantages With partnerships, the partners have unlimited liability for all the debts. This could lead to the partners selling their personal possessions to help pay off the company’s debts. A main disadvantage is when a partner makes a mistake, that mistake affects all the partners and the firm. This is a disadvantage because a mistake can affect the running and the flow of the firm. The profits of the business must be shared. This can be a disadvantage because the partners may think that a person in the partnership should not get the same amount of money because it seems that they have not put as much work into the firm. This then creates conflict and affects the way the firm runs. Private Limited Company (Ltd) A private limited company has one or more owners, with the directors of the company elected by the shareholders. These directors control and have the responsibly of running the firm. An example of a private limited company could be a garage. Advantages There is limited liability as shareholders can lose only the amount they have invested into the firm, no matter how much money that firm owes. Shareholders contribute capital and there is no fixed amount. This is an advantage because as more shareholders invest money, whatever the amount, the more chance the firm is going to success and grow with the money. Private limited companies are protected from takeovers. This is because shares cannot be exchanged to other people unless all the shareholders agree. In addition, the members of the public cannot bring the shares. This is an advantage as this gives the owners of the firm direct control of the business.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Mother Daughter Relationships - The Mother-daughter Relationship in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club :: Joy Luck Club Essays

Mother-Daughter Relationships in The Joy Luck Club In The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores mother-daughter relationships, and at a lower level, relationships between friends, lovers, and even enemies. The mother-daughter relationships are most likely different aspects of Tan's relationship with her mother, and perhaps some parts are entirely figments of her imagination. In this book, she presents the conflicting views and the stories of both sides, providing the reader--and ultimately, the characters--with an understanding of the mentalities of both mother and daughter, and why each one is the way she is. The book is organized into four sections, two devoted to the mothers and two devoted to the daughters, with the exception of June. The first section, logically, is about the mothers' childhoods in China, the period of time during which their personalities were molded, giving the reader a better sense of their "true" selves, since later in the book the daughters view their mothers in a different and unflattering light. Tan does this so the reader can see the stories behind both sides and so as not to judge either side unfairly. This section, titled Feathers From a Thousand Li Away, is aptly named, since it describes the heritage of the mothers in China, a legacy that they wished to bestow on their daughters, as the little story in the beginning signifies. For many years, the mothers did not tell their daughters their stories until they were sure that their wayward offspring would listen, and by then, it is almost too late to make them understand their heritage that their mothers left behind, long ago, when they left China. The second and third sections are about the daughters' lives, and the vignettes in each section trace their personality growth and development. Through the eyes of the daughters, we can also see the continuation of the mothers' stories, how they learned to cope in America. In these sections, Amy Tan explores the difficulties in growing up as a Chinese-American and the problems assimilating into modern society. The Chinese-American daughters try their best to become "Americanized," at the same time casting off their heritage while their mothers watch on, dismayed. Social pressures to become like everyone else, and not to be different are what motivate the daughters to resent their nationality. This was a greater problem for Chinese-American daughters that grew up in the 50's, when it was not well accepted to be of an "ethnic" background.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Dominozz Pizza Research Paper Essay

Founded: In 1960 by Thomas S. Monaghan in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Ownership: In December 1998, investors, including funds managed by Bain Capital Inc. , a leading private equity investment firm, together with management and others, acquired a 93% stake in the Company, which was formerly owned by founder, Thomas Monaghan and his family. Description: Domino’s Pizza has been dedicated and committed to quality service, product and delivery excellence for more than 40 years, making it the world leader in pizza delivery. Domino’s is the largest privately held restaurant chain, and the eighth largest of all restaurant chains in the world. Products: Domino’s Pizza offers Crunchy Thin Crust, Ultimate Deep Dish and Classic Hand Tossed pizzas with a number of regional toppings. Side items include Domino’s Bread Sticks, Double Cheesy Bread, CinnaStix and Buffalo Wings. Beverages consist of icy cold Coca-Cola products. Stores: Domino’s Pizza operates a network of 6,977 owned and franchised stores in the United States and 64 international markets. Employees: Over 120,000 associates are employed by Domino’s around the globe, 15,000 of those are corporate employees, of which 550 work at the worldwide headquarters in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Each Domino’s store employs 15-30 part-time and full-time individuals Officer’s: David Brandon, chairman and chief executive officer Jim Stansik, special assistant to the CEO Harry Silverman, chief financial officer and executive vice president, finance/administration Tim Monteith, chief information officer Hoyt Jones, executive vice president, flawless execution-franchise stores Patrick Knotts, executive vice president, flawless execution-corporate stores Patrick Doyle, executive vice president, Domino’s Pizza International and acting executive vice president, build the brand Mike Soignet, executive vice president, maintain high standards Tim McIntyre, vice president, corporate communications Elisa D. Garcia C. , executive vice president and general counsel Patti Wilmot, executive vice president, people first. National Charity: In August 1998, Domino’s Pizza began a long-term relationship with Easter Seals, which has become the corporation’s first national charity of choice. Through this alliance, Domino’s is dedicated to helping children and adults with disabilities and their families. Distribution: Through its network of 18 domestic distribution centers, Domino’s Pizza Distribution regularly supplies more than 4,600 pizza stores with more than 150 products, ranging from dough to pizza boxes. The number of products offered by DPD continues to expand. Similarly, the ongoing demand for new technology and basic equipment is provided by DPD’s Equipment & Supply division, which offers items such as make lines, crew uniforms and ovens as well as merchandise support for national promotional programs. Industry: Pizza is a $30 billion per year industry. Approximately 3 billion pizzas are sold in the U. S. annually through 61,269 pizzerias. Each man, woman and child in America eats an average of 46 slices (23 pounds) of pizza a year. Pepperoni is America’s favorite topping (36% of all pizza orders); approximately 251,770,000 pounds are consumed each year. Inovations: Domino’s HeatWave hot bags were introduced in 1998. Each heated hot bag contains a patented heating mechanism warmed via electricity. Once unplugged, this technology keeps the pizza oven-hot during a normal delivery. The outer material of the bag is made with water-repellent nylon rather than the vinyl material previously used. Inside the bag is 3M Thinsulate insulation, which eliminates unwanted moisture, keeping the pizzas both hot and crisp. To allow Domino’s stores to concentrate on making and delivering pizzas, Domino’s developed a central commissary system. This relieves stores from long hours making dough, grating cheese and preparing toppings. Today, Domino’s Pizza Distribution provides high quality dough and ingredients nationwide, keeping the company’s pizza consistently delicious. Other pizza and fast food companies in the U. S have adopted this same system. Fresh and delicious pizza has always been a priority at Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s was the first to use a fiberglass tray for dough, which simplified dough handling and ensured better preservation. Domino’s was the innovator behind the sturdy, corrugated pizza box, which keeps moisture from weakening the box, while preventing cheese from sticking to the top during delivery. A delicious, crisp crust is one of the most important parts of the pizza. In search of the perfect crust, Domino’s developed the pizza screen, a mesh tray that helps cook pizza crust more evenly than a tray made of wood or stainless steel. Today it’s hard to miss pizza delivery cars — thanks to Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s invented the 3-D car-top sign, which is currently used by a variety of industries, including taxis and driving schools Company history. In 1960 Tom Monaghan and brother James purchase â€Å"DomiNick’s,† a pizza store in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Monaghan borrowed $500 to buy the store. Then in 1961 brother James trades his half of the business to Tom for a Volkswagen Beetle. By 1965 Tom Monaghan is sole owner of company, and renames the business â€Å"Domino’s Pizza, Inc. †Next Tom opens the first Domino’s Pizza franchise store opens in Ypsilanti, Michigan in 1967. Then in 1968 the company headquarters and commissary are destroyed by fire, also the first Domino’s store outside of Michigan opens in Burlington, Vermont. Then in 1975 Amstar Corp., maker of Domino Sugar, files a trademark infringement lawsuit against Domino’s Pizza and then in 1978 the 200th Domino’s pizza store opens. Now it is 1980 and a Federal court rules Domino’s Pizza did not infringe on the Domino Sugar trademark and Tom gets to keep his trademark. I n 1983 Domino’s first international store opens in Winnipeg, Canada. The 1,000th Domino’s store opens. By 1984 ground is broken for new headquarters, Domino’s Farms, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Then in 1985 Domino’s opens a remarkable 954 units, for a total of 2,841, making Domino’s the fastest-growing pizza company in the country. Then Tom decides he needs to try something new so in 1989 he decides to introduce the Pan Pizza, the company’s first new product. Domino’s opens its 5,000th store. In 1990 Domino’s Pizza signs its 1,000th franchise. In 1992 Domino’s rolls out bread sticks, the company’s first national non-pizza menu item. In 1993 the new Crunchy Thin Crust pizza is rolled out nation-wide. The Company discontinues the 30-minute guarantee and re-emphasizes the Total Satisfaction Guarantee: If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your Domino’s Pizza dining experience, we will re-make your pizza or refund your money. In 1994 tom has a big because Buffalo Wings are rolled out in all U. S. stores, the first Domino’s opens in Eastern Europe in Warsaw, Poland and the first agreement to develop Domino’s Pizza in an African country was signed by Specialized Catering Services, Inc. In 1995 Domino’s Pizza International division opens its 1000th store. First store opens on African continent, in Cairo, Egypt. Another big year for the company is 1996 when Domino’s launches its web site on the Internet (www. dominos. com). Domino’s rolls out flavored crusts, for limited time only promotions, nationally for the first time in company history. The company reaches record sales of $2. 8 billion system-wide in 1996. In 1997 Domino’s Pizza opened its 1,500th store outside the United States, opening seven stores in 1 day on 5 continents consecutively. Domino’s Pizza launched a campaign to update the company logo and store interior with brighter colors and a newer look. In 1998 Domino’s launches another industry innovation, Domino’s HeatWave, a hot bag using patented technology that keeps pizza oven-hot to the customer’s door. Domino’s Pizza opens 6000th store in San Francisco, California in April. Domino’s Pizza founder, Tom Monaghan, announces retirement and sells 93% of Company to Bain Capital, Inc. In 1999 David Brandon is named Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s Pizza announces record results for 1999. Worldwide sales exceed $3. 36 billion. Revenues increased 4. 4% over 1998. Now this brings us to the year 2000 where Domino’s Pizza International opens its 2000th store outside the United States. Domino’s Pizza celebrates 40 years of delivering pizza and innovation to homes around the world. During the past four decades, Domino’s has paved the way for businesses involved in food delivery, employing practices that have set the standard in the industry. Domino’s Pizza announces record results for 2000. Worldwide sales exceed $3. 54 billion. Revenues increased 5. 3% over 1999. Mission Statement Since 1960, Domino’s Pizza has been committed to providing our customers with the best-tasting, highest-quality pizza, using only the finest ingredients, and delivering it directly to their door. That is what made us the world leader in pizza delivery. We continue to focus on our Vision: Exceptional People on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world. (Domino’s) Company Mission Good pizza. It’s our mission. And while it may seem like a simple one, the lengths we’ll undertake to fulfill it are anything but. We hand-stretch our crust for maximum flavor. We pioneered the Domino’s HeatWave? bag so our customer’s pizza is always delivered hot. And we use only the freshest, highest quality ingredients. (Domino’s) But at Domino’s, we’re not only dedicated to quality service, product and delivery; we’re dedicated to our staff. Nearly all Domino’s Pizza franchise owners started out as Domino’s store employees. With focused vision, hard work, and at least one year’s service as store manager, you can have the opportunity to make the leap into franchising with one of the most innovative and exciting companies in the fast food industry Founded in 1960, Domino’s makes and delivers nearly 6 million pizzas a week in over 60 countries around the world. Domino’s has more than 6,000 stores (85% of which are owned by franchisees) with 1999 worldwide sales of more than $3. 3 billion. As a franchisee, you’ll have a positive influence on people lives and the community you serve. But owning a Domino’s Pizza store isn’t for everyone. It’s a lot of hard work. It is for the strong, determined individual who understands our mission and knows what it takes to make it come true. (Domino’s) Social Responsibility Domino’s Pizza, founded in 1960, is the recognized world leader in pizza delivery. Domino’s Pizza operates a network of company-owned and franchise-owned stores in the United States and international markets. But Domino’s isn’t just about delivering; it’s also about giving back to the community. Domino’s Pizza believes that an essential component of its corporate responsibility is to provide support to charitable organizations that benefit the communities where our employees and customers work and live. Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Domino’s is committed to supporting initiatives and causes in its hometown while also participating in national programs that align with our vision, guiding principles and strategic focus. (Domino’s) In February 2001, Domino’s Pizza announced an exclusive national partnership with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Domino’s Pizza has made a corporate decision to devote our philanthropic resources exclusively to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Domino’s has made an ongoing commitment to Make-A-Wish to deliver wishes to children with life threatening illnesses and to assist Make-a-Wish with their benevolent volunteer efforts through heightened awareness and direct contributions. The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. Make-A-Wish is the largest wish-granting organization in the world, with 81 chapters in the US and 22 international affiliates on five continents. Since its founding in 1980, Make-A-Wish has granted a wish to every qualified child referred more than 83,000 wishes to children around the world. Wishes are granted through private donors and more than 20,000 volunteers worldwide. (Domino’s) In addition to being civic-minded, Domino’s Pizza is also concerned about its team members’ needs. In 1986, Domino’s Pizza Partners Foundation was established to assist employees in time of special need or tragedy as a result of natural disasters, unexpected afflictions, on-the-job accidents, and other emergencies. The Foundation’s primary support comes from voluntary employee payroll deductions, company functions and special events. Since its inception, Domino’s Pizza Partners Foundations has helped thousands of Domino’s Pizza employees and their families with financial, emotional, intermediary and advisory assistance. (Domino’s) Centralization Domino’s Pizza has a highly centralized when it comes to what the franchises will sell and how they will sell it. All the decisions concerning food products and ingredients and what new products will be offered all come from top management and the stores have to follow this structure rigorously. Now on the other hand when it comes to training of the employees things are quite different. At Domino’s Pizza, 85 percent of a non-supervisory employee’s training occurs on the job and is proved by the store manager or franchise owner. Each employee is trained to fill most of the shop’s five jobs, (order taker, pizza maker, oven tender, router and driver), which helps during rush hours when a crewmember does not appear for work. Performance standards are demanding; the order taker must answer the call within three rings and take the order within 45 seconds. The pizza maker must make the pizza and place it in the oven within one minute. The oven tender must take one pizza out while putting another I within 5 seconds and cut and box the pizza by the count of 15. Although the bulk of training is on the job far away from corporate headquarters, Domino’s corporate training staff maintains some control over training by providing a variety of training aids. The staff makes available to shop management 14 videotapes on such tasks as delivery, dough management, image, and pizza making. Each shop also displays corporate-produced training posters with job hints and reminders throughout the work place. Store managers are trained by a six-week course, typically a six-month MIT program that includes coursework in pizza dough management, people management, cost management, and how to conduct on the job training of hourly employees. Manager trainees progress through five levels of training with higher performance requirements and more responsibilities at each level. On the job training is an important part of the training program. Many franchise owned and all company owned stores send management trainees to the regional training center for classes taught by corporate trainers; however management training often is decentralized, with franchise owners conducting the MIT courses themselves. Franchise owners must be certified to conduct the formal courses for their manager trainees. The certification process requires that the owner complete a â€Å"Training Dynamics† course on how to teach manger trainees; observe certified teachers training the MIT series of course; and then co-teach the series with a regional trainer, who must approve the franchisee’s performance. () The quality of training provided by the franchise is enhanced by the owners substantial in store management experience. With all of these different ways of training in the end it is still a decentralized structure. Activities Domino’s pizza is having a little problem with their turnover rate, which is now in the vicinity of 300 t0 400 percent with employee but a lot less managers. Therefore managers do all they can do to keep there young employees happy, one of the reasons the turnover rate is so high is because of the age of the average employee is 18 to 21. The culture that surrounds Domino’s is a young one with open minds for new ideas; it also is one for caring and giving for and to the community. This culture was first started by Tom Monagham in 1960 and is now carried on by CEO David Brandon. Technology has played a major role in Domino’s since the beginning, with help of computers so that your address can be pulled by just the use of a telephone number, the caller id system which is now linked to the computer so address is automatically pulled up when you call in and the heatwave bag which allows the pizza to be hotter when it arrives at your door. All of these things have allowed Dominos to adapt to the times and keep it a strong running company. Also there new ideas on food products and menu items have also allowed them to stay head of the game making them a top competitor in there market. The efficiency with which Dominos run is remarkable in the aspect of time but if you look at there turnover rate it is something that might need some work, however dealing with people of that age group it is hard to get anyone to commit to delivering pizzas for life. In conclusion Dominos is a company that started in 1960 with a single store and went public and now has stores all over the world. This once little pizza shop is now global and has met up to all the challenges that face a company when it’s growing stages. The culture is one that stood the test of time so far and has a great look for the future. With all of this in mind Domino’s Pizza is a company that we will see for along time into the future.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Ethical Principles And Standards Of The Educational Research

Ethics must be applied at all stages of research, from planning to evaluation of the research project; data collection methods as part of the investigative process must be guided by the ethical principles and standards of the educational research. According to the American Educational Research Association (2011), there are twenty two ethical standards, which were created to ensure the validity, honesty, and reliability of all stages of the research process. there are several examples of the impact of ethical standards on data collection methods (Resnik, 2011): Informed consent and public communication: to implement any of the data collection methods, the researcher needs to explain in detail the pursues of the research, the characteristics of data collection method that he or her intend to use, and finally he or her must obtained the authorization or consent. To implement a survey, an interview, questionnaires, the researcher must ask for the verbal consent. During the observation process or a document review a verbal consent will be enough, but sometimes a writing consent might be necessary (Fremgen, 2011). These day technology is part of our lives, telephone or online surveys are pretty common actually; in this case, the researcher must ask for a verbal consent during the telephone survey, but he or her will need an electronic consent to apply an online survey. Also, researchers should be aware that any information that is published through any media must be accurate;Show MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Special Education879 Words   |  4 PagesSpecial education is an ethically and politically complex area of professional education (Paul, French, Cranston-Gingras, 2001). Critics have claimed that special education does not benefit student with disabilities and should be renounced for ethical reasons (Gartner Lipsky, 1989). 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